Monday, May 01, 2006

The Big Scott Paschal-Christian Tennis Welcome!


This is Scott Paschal, Ministry Director of the International Christian Tennis Association. Great to have you drop by!

With members in over 1500 cities in 50 countries, our Christian tennis ministry is a positive voice within the sport of tennis worldwide.

God led me into fulltime Christian ministry back in 1999. My passion is to share my love of Jesus through speaking, writing, coaching, and directing the daily aspects of the ICTA.

Feel free to use this article as a Christian tract to give to people at tennis tournaments. Together we can make a difference for Him!

My hope is that our new web log will become a place for you and me to come to for Christian inspiration, education, and support in praise of Jesus Christ!

My life has become to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I am an evangelist at heart willing to go where called to share the Good News. The International Christian Tennis Association was formed in 1999 as a way for people like me and you to come along side each other and share our faith through our sport of tennis; and to provide a gathering place for believers worldwide.

I love tennis. Tennis is the greatest sport in the world. Combining tennis and Christian missions has become my life's passion. I have the best job in the world!

The ICTA passion is catching on! Worldwide, our young sports ministry's membership has exceeded my expectations for my original plans.

Today, ICTA has members in over 1400 cities in 46 countries! People around the globe are catching the ICTA passion for sharing their faith through tennis.

Where are you today? India, Australia, Spain...? Wherever you are, whatever your situation, God loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with you. The Bible says you were created in His image and He considers you His child.

You have a role God's story. You do matter. You are important.

The 9 people above are a great group of ICTA missionaries from last summer. 8 of them trained full time at my tennis academy in Palm Coast. These great kids and each of their parents loved being involved in Christian tennis missions. (Sitting on the ground in a white shirt to the left of the gang is one of the moms.)

We each worked together to spread the Gospel. Coach, parents, students. We came together for a period in time for His will to be done.

You and I can come together in this small place on the internet. Here we can share thoughts and ideas, offer inspiration and travel places together in support of the Gospel, and offer a positive presence on the internet.

I look forward to watching this web log grow and improve over time. Keep checking back for ICTA updates and log entries. If you need to speak with me call 386 793 0557. You can also email me at

God is in control!

Scott Paschal