Thursday, June 29, 2006

Basic Stuff &The Gobfather

Yesterday, after an intense morning workout with my terrific Christian tennis academy students, Mel and I headed off to run some errands around beautiful Palm Coast, Florida.

Basic stuff like getting the oil changed on the academy van, paying bills, taking the lawnmower in to find out why it quit working, going to the post office... like I said, basic stuff.

I tried to get a haircut, but Courtney was taking the day off.

Not very exciting news, huh? I guess it depends on how you look at it.

You see, doing basic stuff is what separates successful people from unsuccessful ones. Basic stuff can be boring, it can seem unimportant.

But, it's not. Basic stuff is big.

Do it well and you have a better opportunity to be successful. To some people being successful can be exciting.

Bills have to be paid. The academy van must remain in great operating condition. Grass doesn't mow itself and windscreens need to be on the back fences. The refridgerator needs to be full of healthy food.

There is a lot of basic stuff that must get done in a timely way in order to run an academy well.

Students need help with visas. The website needs maintaining. Phone calls should be returned within an hour. Tennis balls need replacing & rackets restrung.

I haven't even mentioned the visioneering, planning, structuring, ordering of supplies, scheduling of accommodation, scheduling of missionaries, and implementation of large scale mission trips to pro tennis events.

Or the day to day operations of a ministry...

You get the point.

You know what real excitement is? Doing lots of basic stuff in order to have more success in your main objective.

Tennis is the same way. Basics. Focus on doing the basics well.

From making sure your shoe laces are not worn out, to using great stroke mechanics, to focusing on smart strategies of play.

Basics help us be more successful.

Make sure your racket strings are fresh before a tournament, send in your entry fee early, have a solid warm up, stay hydrated, keep positive while you play. Basic stuff.

When a person gets focused on doing the basic stuff in tennis well, they give themselves a chance to be more successful. The cumulative effects of solid basics can be pretty exciting.

I think my relationship with Jesus is the same way. Basic stuff. I read the Bible and I strive to do what it says. I pray. Basic stuff.

Each day I read something that will add value to my knowledge of Jesus. I read the Bible. I read books by Bruce Wilkinson, Randy Alcorn, David Nasser, David Wilkerson, Chuck Swindoll, and a bunch of other Christian folks.

I pray daily, usually several times. I watch awesome Christian videos. I spend time with other Christians. Lots of basic stuff.

I've learned to focus on the basics of Jesus. To me this creates excitement.

So, what does all of this have to do with The Gobfather... And just exactly what is the Gobfather, you ask? Ok, fair questions.

Mel and I ate some Chinese food at China King then walked over to Albertson's grocery store to get some ice cream for dessert. I happen to really like Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream and it just so happened to be on sale! Buy one get one free!

While Mel and I sat in Starbuck's Coffee and ate our ice cream, I thought about a few emails I had received recently, and a few "God appointments" I had.

Mainly from guys having difficult times in their lives. These guys had been on my heart in a big way. I was enjoying my ice cream, but I just kept thinking about these guys and I wanted to help them.

While I sat there, I really noticed my ice cream. I mean, more than the normal "eat it as quick as I can because it tastes so good."

My favorite is Ben & Jerry's The Gobfather. This delicious desser has rich chocolate ice cream, chewy nougat, and almonds covered in dark chocolate.

As I enjoyed my B&J's, I also noticed how nice the packaging itself looked. I read the fun advertising and really liked the colors & fonts they chose. Everything in the ice cream is organic, as well.

They use the best of the best to give guys like me something special. The chocolate flavor was perfect.

Rich & smooth.

The nougat was sweet and chewy. The dark chocolate covered almonds were fresh and crunchy. Perfect mix of basic ingredients.

I thought about what makes Ben & Jerry's so popular. It's because two ordinary guys decided to do the basics really, really well.

As they decided to enter a competitive dessert market, focusing on the basics helped bring them success. Was working 90 hrs a week exciting for them?

Probably not. Did their lives seem exciting to others? Probably.

What does The Gobfather have to do with this article, though? Well, I get pretty excited at the chance to eat it every now and then.

The fact that these two neat guys dedicated themselves to doing the all the basic stuff required to make a great product for tennis pros like me to enjoy is exciting.

Their basics equals my excitement, plus their excitement.

Sounds like a lot of what people tell me about the International Christian Tennis Association.

Our tennis academy is wonderful.

Our mission trips reach tens of thousands for Jesus.

Our little sports ministry has a worldwide membership. It is a lot of fun! Our lives here at ICTA are so very exciting!

I wouldn't want to be anywhere else doing anything else!

But, let's be clear. 99% of what I do every day is basic stuff. Same with Mel. Same with Rach. Since 1999, we started with the basics and we created more basic stuff to do over the years. It hasn't always been easy, but by focusing on the basics we keep moving forward!

What's going on in your life today?

Are you accomplishing your goals?

Can I give you something to think about? Focus on the basics.

Get 'em done.

Write them down if you need to. Then get them done.

Focus on what you need to do. Then do it well.

This applies to every aspect of your life. Understand? Good.

Now start with Jesus.


Scott Paschal