Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Insane, huh?

Cool pic, huh!? I found it on

Looking at the stars, along with occaisionally walking through a cemetery, always helps me remember my priorities, and my place in this world.

This pic then began to remind me of the super-intelligent, scientific folks we all tend to always hear from whenever an important question is being answered.

I am always amazed when I read stories from our geniuses (sp?) here on earth. You know the ones I'm talking about, right?

The super brains in our world who know everything. They have all the answers.

I often think about them when I feed my fish.

You see, in my house I have a big 120 gallon fish tank where I raise some rare species of Cichlids, which are an African fish.

As they swim around you can see them fighting, eating, pooping, defending territory, mating, sleeping. There is one in particular who is the boss. His name is Kujo. He is a Bumblebee Cichlid.

Under Kujo is the rest of the pecking order.

They have their own little world that I enjoy watching and taking care of. In their own little world I wonder if some of them think they know everything, too, like our geniuses.

Yet, no matter what they are all doing... each one of them always watches me when I am in the room. I take care of them. You know, feed them and stuff.

Whether they know everything or not, they are smart enough to know that I am important to them.

A few days ago, I received an evolution/creation debate email from a friend. To me, it's a non issue. Slugs to humans or poof we're here or both, who really cares?

I don't.

Jesus didn't tell me to focus on that. So when someone brings it up, well, I'm not too interested. I'll let the geniuses debate all of that. They have all the answers.

Me, I'm too busy looking at the One who takes care of me.

Wondering about the pics?

Well, the one right above this sentence is a little snapshot taken by the Hubble telescope. It's a pic of an area of a galaxy next to ours. See the bright clusters... there's about a million stars in each one. Supposed to be billions of stars somewhere in this snapshot.

Supposed to be billions of billions of stars in each galaxy. That number is to big for me. I understand supersize from McDonalds, though.

Also supposed to be trillions of trillions of galaxies. Insane, huh?

You know, that's a lot.

I don't have the answers to all the questions, but I know that's a lot.

I also know I had some fun with a genius recently! I asked him that since he "proves" evolution explains everything, then how did everything start in the first place?

He looked at me funny.

Reminded me of when a fish sort of of just sits in the corner of my fish tank staring out through the glass into my living room.

So anyway, back to the pics!

I thought I'd just share with you a few pics sent by our Creator. Kind of a neat reminder of how big and powerful He is, and how small and stupid we are in comparison, as we stare out into His universe from our itty, bitty fishbowl world.

Which, I guess may not be something our geniuses want to hear...

But, makes me feel special knowing He is caring for me!

God bless!

Scott Paschal