Saturday, December 09, 2006

Church Missions Expo!

Verse and Thought for the Day:

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. John 1:14 NIV

The One to whom we pray knows our feelings. He knows temptation. He has felt discouraged. He has been hungry and sleepy and tired... He nods in understanding when we pray in anger... He smiles when we confess our weariness.

He, too, knew the drone of the humdrum and the weariness that comes with long days.... God became flesh and dwelt among us.

Hello there! This is Scott Paschal, Ministry Director of the International Christian Tennis Association. Hope you enjoyed the verse today.

We're busily packing ICTA supplies for a special church missions expo tomorrow morning at a large church in Jacksonville, Florida. A pastor at the main church is bringing us in. He is a really special guy who has been a big reason for the success of ICTA mission trips for the last 4+ years.

Should be such a neat day being around all the other missions organizations and meeting so many new people from our area!

This has been such a great week of following where God leads.

Our recent trip to look at land and evaluate the potential of a city as ICTA's international headquarters base was completely God-blessed. I'm in love with the town and the location of the available land.

Actually, there are two land locations and I'd like to put courts on them both! One location has about 13 acres and rests on a hillside plateau overlooking the town. There is enough room for plenty of courts, player housing, ICTA offices, parking....

The other is in a mountainous, heavily forested church camp setting complete with cabins, a small lake, horse stalls... all the neat stuff you want kids and adults to have during camps and retreats.

I'll keep you updated on the progress acquiring our land. And, as usual, God know exactly where He needs us. This may or may not be the location. I'm just following along like a puppy on a string enjoying the walk!

God bless!

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